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  • Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction: 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030 (In INR and USD)

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction: 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030 (In INR and USD)

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction: 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030 (In INR and USD)
Author: Rakshita Jain

Table of Contents

What is a Polygon (MATIC)?

Polygon (MATIC) Price History

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2023

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2024

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2025

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2030

Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What will Polygon (MATIC) price in 2025?
  • Is Polygon (MATIC) a good buy?
  • Is Polygon (MATIC) a risky investment?
  • Will Polygon Matic reach $5?
  • Where to buy Polygon (MATIC) in India?

If you are in the crypto game, you must have a bit of $MATIC in your portfolio. After all, it is one of the most preferred tokens for diversifying risk and boosting your crypto investment. Among the pioneer Ethereum scaling solutions, Polygon (MATIC) is a top cryptocurrency in the market cap.

Due to the good reputation of this digital asset, every MATIC lover wishes to own a crystal ball to predict where its price will head in the next few years. But unfortunately, no one can have that. That’s why we have brought to you the next best thing in this blog: the MATIC price prediction for 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030.

It is a quick analysis of the current and historical price movements, indicators, and sentiments related to Polygon. If you read it to the end, you will surely get an informed perspective on this crypto and its possible performance.

Let’s begin by knowing the basics about Polygon (MATIC)

What is a Polygon (MATIC)?

It’s challenging to understand the story of Polygon without knowing its relation with Ethereum.

So, let’s start from there.

We all know that Ethereum is a thriving hub for NFTs, DeFi, and DApps. Its compatibility with Smart contracts makes it the preferred blockchain ecosystem for building decentralized assets of multiple types. However, this rising popularity proves a double-edged sword for Ethereum as it adds many transactions for it to process, due to which Ethereum blockchain experiences high traffic, exponentially soaring its transaction fee (gas). This surge is sometimes so high that it becomes infeasible for many people.

That’s where Polygon (MATIC) comes as a saviour.

Launched in 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun, and Mihailo Bjelic, Polygon is a layer-2 (an add-on layer) scaling solution for Ethereum that exists to provide faster and more affordable transactions for its users. Currently, it supports more than 7,000 dApps and counting. $MATIC is the native token of this platform.

Polygon aims to help Ethereum scale and improve its security and efficiency. To do that, it runs parallel with the Ethereum blockchain at a faster speed. You can think of it like an express train running parallel but faster than a local train (Ethereum) with fewer stops. This setup makes everything built on Polyon cheaper and faster. Notably, Polygon does not plan to duplicate Ethereum functionality but only plans to be a helping hand for it. That is why, Polygon calls itself “Ethereum’s Internet of Blockchains.”

Each dApp based on Ethereum can be turned into a Polygon sidechain to operate in a comparatively faster and more efficient ecosystem. This conveys that Polygon is a collection of side chains that aim to reduce the load from the main blockchain (Ethereum in this case). Polygon (MATIC) works on the PoS (Proof of Stake) mechanism to validate blocks and maintain a consensus.

Its native token, MATIC, acts as the platform currency for Polygon, where users can pay gas fees and other charges. The validators and delegators of the network also earn rewards in MATIC tokens, which have a capped supply of 10 billion tokens.

Now, let’s talk about the price journey of this crypto so far.

Polygon (MATIC) Price History

In 2017, Polygon Network issued 3.8% of MATIC’s total supply through a private sale. After two years, in 2019, the MATIC token was launched for public sale through an initial exchange offering (IEO). The platform issued 19% of its total supply by that sale for a $0.00263 average price. The coin experienced bullish months post-launch, soaring its average price to around $0.01 in 2020.

In February 2021, the project rebranded from Matic Technology into Polygon Technology to widen its description as a web 3.0 and metaverse company. It began a bullish rally for MATIC as the token rose over 7000% in the next three months and finally hit its ATH of $2.68 in May.

However, soon after hitting ATH, the coin started a downward rally that made it lose most of its gains by July 2021, when it went as low as $0.7. But it regained its price after completing some strategic partnerships with big players like Uniswap and Opera. As a result, MATIC resumed its upward rally, surpassing its previous ATH and hitting a new one at $2.92 in December 2021.

2022 marked the start of a prolonged crypto winter. With so many crypto institutions filing for bankruptcy and many scams surfacing, the crypto market experienced a bearish year. It led Polygon (MATIC) to lose over 70% of its value by June 2022. The token managed to recover and end the year at $0.7.

In 2023, with the market sentiments getting better, Polygon (MATIC) regained its $1 mark. At the time of writing, it is trading at $0.54.

It covers what has happened in the Polygon (MATIC) journey so far.

Now, let’s know about its possible future outlooks.

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2023

2023 has been a year of significant upgrades for Polygon (MATIC). It launched its highly awaited zkEVM mainnet earlier in March, making Polygon the first public blockchain to offer zkEVM.

For those who do not know zkEVM, it is a new type of zero-knowledge rollup compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). A zero-knowledge rollup is a bundle (roll-up) of some transactions executed through the zero-knowledge proof method. This method proves that a transaction is valid without revealing information to the verifiers. Not only is this method secure, but it is also cost-effective and fast. Thus, by introducing zkEVM, Polygon has strengthened its position as a highly scalable Ethereum layer-2 solution and a strong individual blockchain network.

Before this launch, Polygon (MATIC) rose over 10% due to the excitement of its community. After a few months, the network is welcoming its first zkEVM upgrade. Dragon fruit is the name of this upgrade that will fix the critical issues that the Polygon network found in the zkEVM mainnet after its launch. It will also update the zkEVM to make it more compatible with Solidity (the native Smart contract language of Ethereum). Such upgrades may again surge the price of MATIC in the upcoming days.

Recently, the platform also unveiled its scaling ecosystem plan proposal, Polygon 2.0, in June 2023. This plan will take place in 4 protocol layers to enable fast value transfer and boost scalability if approved. Under this plan, the existing MATIC token of the network will migrate to the POL token at a 1:1 proportion. If the proposal gets approval by the end of 2023, the new POL token will work across all the existing projects of Polygon, including zkEVM and PoS chains.

Considering all these exciting upgrades of Polygon this year, it is highly likely to see a wave of excitement in its investors. Therefore, our MATIC price prediction for 2023 in USD ranges from $1.50 (maximum), $0.25 (minimum) in case of upgrade failure and $0.875 (average).

The same MATIC price prediction for 2023 in INR is - INR 125.2 (maximum), INR 20.8 (minimum) and INR 73 (average).

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction 2023 Maximum Price Minimum Price Average Price
Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction 2023 USD $1.50 $0.25 $0.875
Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction 2023 INR INR 125.2 INR 20.8 INR 73

Polygon Price Prediction for 2024

If the technological growth of Polygon (MATIC) continues in 2024, there is a high chance that Polygon prices will experience a more significant rally than this year. It is because of the bitcoin halving event scheduled for 2024. Historically, Bitcoin halvings have been the biggest catalyst in driving the strong bull runs. Thus, positive market sentiments due to halving will likely boost the MATIC price.

However, during the last bitcoin halving in 2020, the price of Polygon (MATIC) did not see any noteworthy shift. And so, the possibility of it moving sideways also persists for 2024. Moreover, the uncertainty related to crypto regulations can also restrict MATIC's price from moving upward. Considering these factors along with other macroeconomic factors, our MATIC price prediction for 2024 in USD ranges from $2.0 (maximum), $0.8 (minimum) and $1.4 (average).

The same Polygon price prediction for 2024 in INR is - INR 167 (maximum), INR 66.8 (minimum) and INR 116.5 (average).

MATIC Price Prediction 2024 Maximum Price Minimum Price Average Price
MATIC Price Prediction 2024 USD $2.0 $0.8 $1.4
MATIC Price Prediction 2024 INR INR 167 INR 66.8 INR 116.5

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2025

Polygon's (MATIC) price movement in 2025 will likely be highly bullish. This possibility is due to the historical repetition of price movements by multiple cryptocurrencies post-bitcoin halving. The crypto market has been recording an extremely bullish year after halving, which may be the case with 2025.

Another bullish factor is the continuous progress of Ethereum. Since its success is directly related to Polygon, it may add up to the bullish rally of the Polygon price. Thus, the odds favour 2025 turning into a bullish year for Polygon (MATIC). So Polygon price prediction for 2025 in USD is- $6.25 (maximum), $3.84 (minimum) and $5.045 (average).

The exact Polygon price prediction for 2025 in INR is - INR 521.8 (maximum), INR 320.64 (minimum) and INR 417.5 (average).

MATIC Price Prediction 2025 Maximum Price Minimum Price Average Price
MATIC Price Prediction 2025 USD $6.25 $3.84 $5.045
MATIC Price Prediction 2025 INR INR 521.8 INR 320.64 INR 417.5

Polygon (MATIC) Price Prediction for 2030

Looking at the current developments and roadmaps of Polygon (MATIC), it has great potential for the long term. Moreover, its powerful partnerships with big players like Adobe, Nike, NFL, Walt Disney, Reddit, and many more can also thrive by 2030, giving it an edge over its competitors. If the token widens its partnerships, it can become a top cryptocurrency by market cap in 2030. Furthermore, by 2030, the crypto market will experience two bitcoin-halving-driven bull markets. It will also help boost the MATIC price by 2030.

However, it will only be possible if everything goes smoothly for the market and Polygon. The prices may miss their expected mark if the market experiences any serious black swan event.

Given all these factors, our maximum Polygon price prediction for 2030 is $10.4, with the minimum price being $6.7 and average price being $8.55.

The exact Polygon price prediction for 2030 in INR is - INR 868.4 (maximum), INR 559.45 (minimum) and INR 713.5 (average).

MATIC Price Prediction 2030 Maximum Price Minimum Price Average Price
MATIC Price Prediction 2030 USD $10.4 $6.7 $8.55
MATIC Price Prediction 2030 INR INR 868.4 INR 559.45 INR 713.5

Here is a compiled tabular representation of our Polygon price prediction for 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030 in USD:

Year Maximum Minimum Average
MATIC Price Prediction 2023 (USD) $1.50 $0.25 $0.875
MATIC Price Prediction 2024 (USD) $2.0 $0.8 $1.4
MATIC Price Prediction 2025 (USD) $6.25 $3.84 $5.045
MATIC Price Prediction 2030 (USD) $10.4 $6.7 $8.55

The same Polygon price prediction for 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2030 in INR is as follows:

Year Maximum Minimum Average
MATIC Price Prediction 2023 (INR) INR 125.2 INR 20.8 INR 73
MATIC Price Prediction 2024 (INR) INR 167 INR 66.8 INR 116.5
MATIC Price Prediction 2025 (INR) INR 521.8 INR 320.64 INR 417.5
MATIC Price Prediction 2030 (INR) INR 868.4 INR 559.45 INR 713.5

Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What will Polygon (MATIC) price in 2025?

Predicting the exact worth of the Polygon (MATIC) for 2025 is nearly impossible as it depends on factors like market sentiments, technical growth, competitor performance, and adoption. However, we can attempt to estimate a potential price range by analyzing the key factors. Using that approach, $3.04 to $6.25 can be the possible price range for MATIC in 2025.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a good buy?

The short answer is yes. Polygon (MATIC) has strong fundamental aspects like tokenomics, partnerships, use cases, and technical roadmap. Its performance has also been impressive, scoring a bullish signal in the bearish market. Its continuous attempts to fasten transaction processing and block generation show its commitment to the industry. However, the crypto market is subjected to risk and volatility. Thus, one must thoroughly analyze the project before investing in it.

Is Polygon (MATIC) a risky investment?

Whether Polygon (MATIC) is risky depends on the investor's perspective. Polygon (MATIC) is a volatile investment as part of the crypto market. However, if an investor has a good risk appetite, Polygon (MATIC) can be a good option for their portfolio.

Will Polygon Matic reach $5?

According to our analysis, Polygon's price is likely to hit the $5 mark by 2025. The upcoming Bitcoin halving, the technical advancements of Polygon, and the rising popularity of Ethereum are likely to be the reason behind this price reach.

Where to buy Polygon (MATIC) in India?

You can buy Polygon (MATIC) in India through Flitpay. Here is the link to make your MATIC purchase https://www.flitpay.com/quick/otc/buy-matic/inr

Disclaimer: The content provided in this XRP price prediction blog is purely for informational purposes and should not be considered financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and subject to rapid fluctuations. Any investment or trading decisions based on the information presented here are at your own risk. It is recommended to conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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