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  • Top 10 AI Crypto Coins to Invest in 2024!

Top 10 AI Crypto Coins to Invest in 2024!

Top 10 AI Crypto Coins to Invest in 2024!
Author: Rakshita Jain

Table of Contents

Top AI Crypto Coins to Invest

  • The Graph (GRT)
  • SingularityNET (AGIX)
  • Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)
  • Theta Network (THETA)
  • Numeraire (NMR)
  • Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)
  • Theta Network (THETA)
  • Numeraire (NMR)
  • NEAR Protocol (NEAR)
  • Fetch.ai (FET)
  • Injective (INJ)
  • Render Token (RNDR)
  • Oasis Network (ROSE)
  • Worldcoin (WLD)
  • Streamr (DATA)
  • Bittensor (TAO)
  • Sleepless AI (AI)


Burning Questions on AI Crypto

  • Which are the best AI coins to invest in 2024?
  • What is an AI crypto?
  • Should I invest in AI crypto coins?
  • Which are the top AI tokens to buy for the next bull run?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most powerful technological trends of the 21st century. Be it work or personal life, AI-based tools and gadgets are becoming increasingly integrated into our everyday lives. And when it comes to hopping on a rising technological trend, the crypto industry never misses it. As a result, multiple AI crypto projects have emerged in the crypto space and are giving exponential returns.

If you, too, want to take advantage of this AI crypto wave, picking the top AI crypto coins to invest in is important, and this blog will help you do that.

We individually researched all our top AI crypto coins we picked to give you the latest and verified information.

Top AI Crypto Coins to Invest in 2024

Here are our best picks for this year’s top AI crypto coins -

The Graph (GRT)

The first top AI crypto coin is The Graph (GRT). It is a crypto project that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to do the same thing for blockchains as Google does for the Internet. It works on a protocol that queries and indexes data from various blockchains for developers to get relevant data from different blockchains to enhance their dApps and other projects. The nodes of the Graph network exist to scan various blocks and smart contracts of other blockchains like Ethereum and Avalanche. After this step, they organize the obtained data into indices known as Subgraphs. When anyone sends an information query to the Graph, the platform immediately responds with the required information from the Subgraphs.

Just as Google leads the centralized world, Graph could be the Google of Decentralised world and its’ native token GRT could be the best AI crypto to invest in 2024.

Native Token

GRT is the native token of the Graph network built on ERC-20 standards. The participants need to spend their GRT tokens to obtain the information. The users who raise a query in the Graph network are called Consumers. The volunteers in the Graph network who work to process, organize, and share data with consumers are called Curators, Indexers, and Delegators, depending on their work. Curators are responsible for selecting the subgraphs worth indexing to give consumers their information. Indexers collect data from Subgraphs identified by the curators. Delegators give the GRT collected from consumers to the indexers as a reward. Apart from them, the Graph network also has a few Fishermen and Arbitrators. While Fishermen verify query responses, Arbitrators keep a check on the malicious indexers.

Volunteering in the Graph network requires individuals to stake some GRT tokens in the network protocol. It is to maintain the integrity of The Graph network by taking GRT as collateral. Once these volunteers do their job successfully, the Graph network rewards them with GRT token fees as their reward. Initially, The Graph introduced ten billion GRT tokens. The amount of GRT tokens rises by 3% every year.

SingularityNET (AGIX)

The next top AI crypto coin that you must keep an eye on is SingularityNET. It is a decentralized blockchain-based platform that operates a global AI marketplace. In this marketplace, anyone can create, share, and monetize AI services in a decentralized environment. The AI developers can also use SingularityNET to publish and sell AI tools and track their performances. The SingularityNET team also pioneered the development of the most expensive robot, Sophia. It was the first robot citizen that conducted one-on-one meetings with various country leaders, became a social media sensation, attended hundreds of conferences, was featured on multiple magazine covers, and even became the first robot to own a passport. Sophia also became the first robot ambassador of UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). The goal of SingularityNET for Sophia is to make it fully efficient in understanding human language and help it achieve a state of 'advanced general intelligence'. You can bet on the expertise of SingularityNET’s Sophia,  and invest in the project’s native token AGIX, if you are looking out for the top AI crypto coins in 2024.

Native Token

AGIX is the native token of SingularityNET. It acts as the primary payment method of the network for using its AI services and tools. The network also uses AGIX to incentivize AI developers and service providers to list their AI-based products and services on SingularityNET. People who hold AGIX tokens also get the right to participate in the governance and decision-making of SingularityNET to influence the future trajectory of the platform. Like GRT, AGIX is also an ERC-20 token. It has a maximum supply of 2,000,000,000 AGIX coins.

SingularityNET is considered the library of AI tools. Another unique feature is the RFAI (Request for AI portal) community portal, where users can access the extensive community of SingularityNET AI experts. RFAI enables anyone to create a request for a new AI tool or service. Those who request a new tool can incentivize its fulfilment by AI experts of SingularityNFT through AGIX tokens. It is like a commission-free crowdsourcing mechanism to complete customized AI-related requests.

Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

Ocean Protocol is another top AI crypto project in 2024 that aims to give the power of data back to its owner instead of a handful of big organizations with the help of AI and blockchain. This open-source protocol invites businesses and individuals to publish and buy data as data tokens. Ocean Protocol allows publishing any data in the form of ERC-20 'data tokens'. Once users upload the data on Ocean protocol, they receive a set of minted data tokens from selling to interested data consumers. Anyone willing to access that data will then be required to buy the data tokens for that data through Ocean Market. It is the market created by the Ocean team where anyone can trade data tokens for different data uploaded on Ocean publicly.

The users who need access to specific data uploaded on Ocean go to Ocean Market and buy the data tokens for that data through the native currency of the Ocean protocol, which is the OCEAN token. Its software also facilitates data exchange, linking users who need data but do not have resources to store it to those with spare resources. In exchange for lending the excess resources, the Ocean protocol awards OCEAN, its native currency, to the lenders.

Native Token

Since OCEAN is the basic exchange unit in Ocean protocol, it has secured a slot in our top AI crypto coin list for 2024. Through it, the users can buy or sell the data tokens available on Ocean Market and get the right to access the data they want. While data tokens are used to tokenize every data uploaded on Ocean protocol, OCEAN acts as the default unit of exchange through which the data tokens can be bought or sold. The platform allows users to stake OCEAN tokens to gain governance rights and earn staking rewards. The maximum supply of OCEAN tokens is 1.41 billion OCEAN tokens.

Ocean Protocol has three components: Providers, Consumers, and Marketplaces. Providers are those who mint data tokens and sell the accessing rights of an off-chain dataset. Consumers are those who redeem the data tokens to access the datasets. Lastly, marketplaces are online markets that connect providers and consumers to facilitate transactions.

Theta Network (THETA)

When it comes to the top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024, Theta Network (THETA) is a must-know project. It is the leading blockchain-powered decentralized cloud for AI, media and entertainment. Theta works as a dual network with two complementary subsystems- The Theta Edge Network and the Theta Blockchain. While the former provides a network of GPU power for AI, video, rendering and other tasks, the latter handles Theta's proof-of-stake blockchain-based payment, rewards, incentives and Smart contract aspects. This blockchain also has an underlying ThetaDrop NFT marketplace in partnership with leading names like Samsung, American Idol, Katy Perry, Sony, etc. The entire ecosystem of Theta network uses two native cryptocurrencies- THETA and TFUEL, where TFUEL is the gas token required to execute all transactions and smart contract interactions.

Native Token

THETA is the native governance token of the Theta Network, giving its holders the right to contribute to the platform's important decisions. Those willing to become the node or validator of the Theta network also need to stake THETA for contributing to block production and earn a proportional amount of the new TFUEL (gas token of the Theta Network). It has a fixed supply of 1 billion that will never increase further. This capped supply is one of the reasons why THETA is one of the top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024.

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Numeraire (NMR)

The next pick that can add to our collection of top AI crypto coins is Numeraire (NMR). It is the native token of the Numerai AI blockchain that acts as a hedge fund. It uses Artificial intelligence and machine learning to invest in the global stock markets. As an Ethereum-based platform founded in 2015 in San Francisco, Numeraire hedge funds heavily use machine learning in their investment strategy. To generate these investment strategies and algorithms, Numeraire organizes monthly machine-learning and data science tournaments where developers submit trading algorithms related to the stock market.

The ecosystem of the Numeraire comprises three components- Signal, Tournament, and Erasure protocol. The signal is the avenue where Numeraire uploads stock market strategies supporting a specific stock trading style. The tournament is a weekly competition where different users submit trading algorithms about the stock market, allowing anyone to bet on the most likely results. Erasure protocol is a collection of smart contracts built on the Ethereum blockchain where the ecosystem of Numeraire operates.

Native Token

NMR is the native currency of the Numeraire network. Numeraire (NMR) owners can stake their tokens weekly on a specific market prediction. If their staked prediction turns out to be successful, the network rewards them with more NMR tokens.

The Numeraire platform works on an artificial intelligence aggregation model, Metamodel. This model infuses all the predictions it gets from the developers who participate in the machine tournaments organized by Numeraire in its network. The platform then follows those predictions as an algorithm to trade equities in the stock market.

Owners of NMR tokens can use their tokens to stake on a particular prediction. They can also use NMR to pay for different services the Numeraire blockchain offers. Additionally, they can exchange their NMR tokens for fiat money or other currencies.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR)

No list of top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024 can be completed with Near Protocol’s NEAR token. Founded initially as NEAR.ai in 2017, NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is a layer-1 protocol offering high scalability and interoperability to dApps and other Web3 projects. To do so, it employs two key innovative components- a unique sharding solution called Nightshade in its PoS (Proof-of-stake) consensus and seamless interoperability supporting Rainbow bridges. The Nightshade sharding divides the NEAR network into multiple segments to process several transactions concurrently. Since each shard in this setup only requires storing a section of the platform data, Nightshade significantly reduces the workload of the nodes, reducing network fees and boosting its scalability. On the other hand,  Rainbow bridges with Aurora, a layer-2 solution of NEAR protocol, help establish interoperability to facilitate ERC-20 assets between Ethereum and NEAR. In the recent discussion of NEAR protocol’s founders at the Nvidia AI conference about “Transforming AI,” anticipation of the possible launch of an AI-focused product by NEAR was observed. All these factors make NEAR one of the top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024.

Native Token

NEAR is the native currency of the NEAR protocol, powering its network fee, staking and governance aspects. Users can pay the transaction and data storage fee on NEAR Protocol through NEAR token. They can also run the validator nodes to participate in the platform's staking process by staking their NEAR tokens. Lastly, the NEAR holders also get to vote on the decision regarding allocating network resources and future development by participating in the governance process. NEAR Protocol burns a section of its collected fees in NEAR tokens to maintain its circulating supply. NEAR has no capped supply.

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Also read: Near price prediction. Can NEAR Protocol reach $100

Fetch.ai (FET)

Fetch.ai (FET) is also a top AI crypto coin to add to your portfolio due to its revolutionary capabilities of merging AI with a Decentralized economy. It offers independent programs known as AI agents to help businesses and individuals automate many tasks involving decision-making and problem-solving. Its four building blocks—the AI Agents, the Agentverse, the AI Engine, and the Fetch Network—each play an important role. AI Agents are AI-powered machinery with independent decision-making capabilities on behalf of businesses, devices or individuals. Agentverse is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform where Fetch’s AI agent solutions are developed. Then comes the AI Engine, where human input meets the AI power. It connects human language to the right AI agents to transform their commands into actionable tasks. Last comes the Fetch.Ai network, which provides the infrastructure to support AI agents, Agentverse, and AI engines.

Native Token

The FET token is the lifeblood of Fetch.ai. As the medium of exchange, FET powers the internal economy of the Fetch.ai network. All platform users spend FET to use the services offered. They can also stake their FET to have a say in Fetch.ai's governance. Stalking FET enables users to earn a variable annual interest rate of 10%.

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Injective (INJ)

The following AI crypto coin to invest in is Injective (INJ). It claims to be the first blockchain to offer auto-executing smart contracts for establishing a faster and more innovative application in finance. It powers next-generation DeFi functions like decentralized spot derivatives exchanges and lending protocols. Injective comes with a convenient ‘plug-and-play’ financial infrastructure that integrates Artificial intelligence (AI) into its systems.

The Injective protocol also includes a decentralized exchange (DEX) with features like cross-chain margin trading, forex futures trading, and derivatives. It is built on the Cosmos blockchain as a layer-2 application and uses cross-chain bridges to allow traders to access cryptocurrencies from other blockchains like Ethereum and Polkadot. Unlike other DEX platforms like Uniswap, Injective does not use the AMM (Automated Market Maker) protocol. Instead, it uses the traditional order book approach in its trading modules.

Native Token

INJ is the primary token of the Injective ecosystem. To use Injective Injective, traders pay a standard market maker and taker fee using the INJ token. This token is also the governance token of the platform and is used in staking to secure the PoS consensus mechanism of the platform. Apart from these use cases, INJ holders can also use it as the margin and collateral for trading in the derivatives market. About 60% of the exchange fee burns the INJ supply to maintain its demand. Therefore, INJ can be a great addition to your top AI crypto coins collection if you want to diversify your AI-centric crypto investments.

Buy INJ crypto in India

Render Token (RNDR)

Render Token is also on our list of top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024 due to its unique use case. It is a fast-growing AI crypto project that provides decentralized GPU-based rendering solutions.

The Render network connects users looking to do render jobs with people with spare GPUs to process the renders. The owners of GPUs can connect them to the Render network to receive and complete rendering jobs using the OctaneRender, a rendering software.

Native Token

RNDR is the native token of the Render infrastructure. The individuals who perform the rendering job get RNDR tokens as a reward. The OctaneRender, aka OTOY, also receives a fraction of the rewarded RNDR amount for facilitating the process.

Those who register their Idle GPUs on the Render network become ‘Node operators’ and earn RNDR tokens by accepting jobs from users who need to complete some rendering work. These people who request some rendering are called ‘Creators’. When they request the rendering work, the network assigns their request to node operators. Apart from this process, the render also offers various features, one of which is ‘stable diffusion’ that allows users to create AI images through text prompts. The Render network is highly likely to benefit from the ongoing AI movement.

To verify all the decentralized rendering work, the Render platform utilizes a combination of manual and automatic proof of render to verify that all rendering work completes successfully before beginning the payment process. A neutral third party stores the RNDR tokens during the rendering process and releases them to node operators after verifying by the commissioning artists. All the assets rendered on the Render network come with watermarks until the final payment does not get completed.

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Oasis Network (ROSE)

The last one on our list of top AI crypto coins to invest in 2024 is Oasis Network’s ROSE. Oasis is a layer-1 blockchain network that offers high throughput and low gas fees to AI, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse, Data tokenization, and Data DAO projects without compromising their confidentiality. It provides a flexible and fully customizable framework for projects so that they can maintain their privacy settings the way they like. It is different from the rigid, complex, and inefficient other tools with limited customizability margins and often compromises the privacy of projects.

Native Token

ROSE is the primary token of the Oasis network, powering its transactions, staking, and delegation in the consensus layer. Those who choose to stake ROSE earn up to 12% APY rewards for their contribution. Unlike other projects that require users to stake their assets on-chain, Oasis Network also allows them to stake ROSE on cold wallets. It has a capped supply of 10 billion.

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Worldcoin (WLD)

Worldcoin is an open-source project co-founded by OpenAI’s founder, Sam Altman. It aims to create the world’s largest privacy-preserving human identity and financial network that gives ownership to everyone. The first flagship product of Worldcoin is World ID, a digital human passport that proves you are human and unique while preserving your privacy. It uses the Orb, a custom and state-of-the-art device that verifies your humanness and uniqueness using an iris code. Worldcoin also has a fully self-custodial World App that enables global payments, trades and transfers using digital assets and traditional currencies.

It claims to maintain users' privacy by leveraging zero-knowledge proofs, which only require proof of data instead of actual data to verify details. Anyone who wishes to engage with the Worldcoin protocol must first download its World App and visit their nearby Orb center to get Orb verified. These Orbs use multispectral sensors to verify the humanness and uniqueness of the image they receive. The device deletes all the images by default. Once an individual gets Orb verified successfully, they get free WLD tokens as a reward. Here, WLD is the native token of the Worldcoin project.

Native Token

Worldcoin uses the WLD token for protocol governance. The key reason behind putting it in our list of top AI crypto coins is that you can reserve your WLD tokens for free by downloading the World app and redeem them within the next twelve months by getting orb-verified. WLD has an initial token supply of 10 billion but no fixed maximum supply.

Streamr (DATA)

Streamr is another top AI crypto coin project that investors must keep on their bucket list this year. It is a cryptographically secure, decentralized and open-source project that can stream live media or real-time data at a good scale. It is also capable of delivering data between AI models and AI agents while streaming verifiable data from network DePIN hardware or IoT devices. Its mission is to replace centralized message brokers with a global P2P real-time data network. Unlike centralized alternatives that rely on trust, Streamr relies on cryptography for secure data sharing and monetization in IoT and web3.0

Native Token

DATA is the native token of the Streamr platform. It is an ERC-20 token used for decentralized governance, staking, and incentivization of Streamr's functioning. Anyone can run a Streamr node on their PC to secure the network and earn a yield on staking DATA tokens.

Bittensor (TAO)

Another top AI crypto coin with interesting utility is TAO, the native token of Bittensor. As a decentralized blockchain-based machine-learning network, Bittensor leverages AI and blockchain technology to offer its users the best of both worlds. It provides a collaborative environment where different machine learning models can connect and share their intelligence cost-effectively.

The current AI systems require significant computational power and high costs, making them accessible only to large organizations. Bittensor aims to overcome this limitation by creating a peer-to-peer marketplace that incentivizes machine intelligence production and facilitates resource exchange among MLAs.

Native Token

As a native currency of the Bittensor ecosystem, TAO serves multiple purposes. It rewards nodes that contribute their data and knowledge to Bittensor users. TAO is the only acceptable currency for the payment of AI services and other projects offered by Bittensor. TAO also powers the platform's governance and staking aspects. Its total supply is the same as that of BTC, making it equally scarce. All these powerful utilities and limited supply made TAO one of the top AI crypto coins in a very short time.

Sleepless AI (AI)

Our last pick for this latest top AI crypto coin collection is Sleepless AI (AI). It blends blockchain and AI technologies to revolutionize the gaming industry. Sleepless AI envisions providing unparalleled emotional support and immersive gaming experiences through games with AI companions. Players can play games and buy in-game currency, “Diamond,” to style their companions. They can buy virtual clothes, accessories and foods for their emotional partners in exchange for fiat, stablecoins and native AI tokens.

Native Token

$AI token works as a governance token and a mode of exchange in the Sleepless AI ecosystem. Those who own $AI tokens can buy the in-game currency (Diamond) of the games associated with Sleepless AI and participate in the network governance. They can vote on important gameplay governance decisions, including item upgrades and future launches. Players also get a top-up discount if they use $AI tokens to buy the in-game token. Therefore, the popularity of Sleepless AI is directly associated with the demand for its $AI token. Since the popularity of AI, gaming and blockchain is rising simultaneously, it makes $AI a top AI crypto coin with high potential. The total supply of $AI is limited to 1,000,000,000.


AI has taken center stage in the current technological world. As a result, Blockchain developers have started incorporating this dynamic technology into their innovative decentralized developments. Since these decentralized developments are resulting in the creation of new blockchains and tokens, investors can now put money into Artificial intelligence by purchasing top AI crypto coins and tokens. However, when choosing an AI crypto coin, it is important to take necessary caution, given the huge number of gimmicky projects existing in the crypto space. With the rising popularity of AI, investors can maximize their profits by investing in the right AI crypto coins after thorough research.

Burning Questions on AI Crypto

What is an AI crypto?

An AI crypto is a cryptocurrency associated with a blockchain project that integrates or plans to integrate AI, deep learning, and machine learning to enhance its functionalities.

Which are the best AI coins to invest in 2024?

GRT, NMR, ALI, RNDR, PHA, and RLC are some of the best AI coins in the crypto market. All of them are associated with some dynamic AI crypto projects. An important thing to note before investing in these AI cryptocurrencies is that the Crypto market is highly volatile, and one should invest only after doing thorough research on the projects.

Which are the top AI crypto coins to buy for the next bull run?

Based on recent developments, technical advancements, and adoption rates, some of the top AI crypto coins to buy for the next bull run can be Injective (INJ), Near Protocol (NEAR), Fetch.ai (FETCH), Bittensor (TAO) and Oasis network (ROSE)

Should I invest in AI crypto coins?

Whether you should invest in AI crypto coins depends on your risk appetite and faith in a decentralized AI future. If you think AI and blockchain can create dynamic mainstream products, investing in AI crypto coins is a great way to participate in such projects.

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