The real-time (live) price of Curve DAO to INR is 48 (CRV/INR) today. This is a price change of -3.62% in the last 24 hours. Curve DAO market cap at the current level is 57.01G INR, with a 24 hours trading volume of 9,000CRV. It has a circulating supply of 1.17G INR. or Curve DAO is one of the world's biggest DeFi for stable coins, operating on the Ethereum blockchain, facilitates the swapping of ERC-20 tokens like stable coins, USDT, and DAI with Ethereum-based Bitcoin tokens (like WBTC and renBTC).
Founded by Michael Egorov and launched in January 2020, 62% of Curve DAO is held by its liquidity contributors, 30% by shareholders, 3% by company employees, and 5% by community reserves. Curve DAO is an in-house token of Curve finance with a maximum supply of 3,303,030,299 is possible for CRV tokens and they can be stored for up to 4 years in any crypto wallet that supports Ethereum to earn vote-escrowed CRV. Anyone who has a minimum number of vote-escrowned CRV tokens can propose an update to the Curve protocol.
Curve DAO, the launchpad for CRV serves both as a decentralized exchange and an automated market maker (AMM) to manage liquidity pools and allow automated trading of digital assets. It focuses on stable coins which minimize the impermanent losses by avoiding the more volatile crypto assets.
This DAO is controlled by CRV tokens holders who can vote on governance and claim protocol fees as a reward. The voting power of these holders depends on the liquidity commitment and length of ownership associated with CRV tokens. The extremely efficient stable coin trading, comparatively low-risk quotient, and supplemental fee income for liquidity are major attributes of Curve DAO protocols.
There are many platforms where you can buy, sell and trade Curve DAO (CRV) in India.
One such platform is Flitpay. To buy Curve DAO (CRV) in INR, you have to sign up to Flitpay, where you will have to enter the required details and go through a small KYC verification process.
After the KYC approval, make sure you have correctly entered your bank details. Now, through the linked bank account, deposit the amount you want to buy CRV and execute the CRV purchase.
You can instantly convert your INR to CRV and CRV to INR and withdraw your INR through bank transfers whenever you want.
Flitpay also keeps introducing timely rewards for its users.
CRV tokens can be used to buy other cryptocurrencies after converting them to INR through crypto exchange platforms like FLITPAY. You can also hold the CRV crypto till it reaches a high price, and then you can sell it through the FLITPAY Quick Buy/Sell order facility. Users can earn significant profits from buying it at a lower price and selling it at a higher price.
With the increasing popularity of stable coins along with Curve DAO among investors, CRV can hike magnificently in the upcoming years. The ability to diversify the long-term investment strategy of crypto investors is a big advantage associated with CRV tokens.
Curve DAO is the native token of, a DeFi platform on Ethereum Blockchain. It uses Automated Market Maker (AMM) to manage liquidity and enables swapping stable coins and other ERC-20 tokens.
Check out the current INR price of CRV tokens in India on Flitpay.
Flitpay is the best crypto app in India to buy CRV, buy Ethereum and all your favorite cryptocurrencies. Flitpay supports instant UPI and bank deposits and bank withdrawals with a minimum deposit and withdrawal limit of INR 100.
Yes, investing and trading in CRV is Safe in India. Flitpay is one of India's most secure cryptocurrency exchanges for buying CRV tokens. It offers real-time prices and advanced investing features with instant Crypto and INR deposits and withdrawals.
Sign-up at the Flitpay and complete the KYC process. Our team will verify your documents as soon as possible.
Add INR funds to your Flitpay wallet using our instant UPI and bank deposit service. The minimum deposit limit is ₹100.
Choose the crypto coin or token you want to buy and initiate the order. Your order will execute instantly.